BLL-30 Beston Waste Pyrolysis Machine installed in Romania

Good News! BLL-30 Beston waste plastic pyrolysis machine has been installed in Romania.

Shipment of Plastic Recycling Machine Romania

Beston Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Shipped to Romania
Beston Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Shipped to Romania
BLL-30 Beston Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Shipped to Romania
BLL-30 Beston Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Shipped to Romania
BLL-30 Waste Plastic Recycling Machine Shipped to Romania
BLL-30 Waste Plastic Recycling Machine Shipped to Romania

This Romanian customer planed to ues this plastic pyrolysis machine to deal with plastic. After pyrolysis process, waste plastic is converted to fuel oil, which is beneficial to slow down the energy shortage in Romania. BLL-30 has full continuous pyrolysis system, which has large capacity and greatly improves the efficiency.

Installation of Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Romania

BLL-30 Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Installed in Romania
BLL-30 Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Installed in Romania
BLL-30 Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Installed in Romania
BLL-30 Plastic Pyrolysis Machine Installed in Romania

It is not the first time that Beston cooperates with Romanian customers. Romania is as one of the key markets for Beston Group. We set up a branch office in Romania. There are Beston manager and technicians to solve your problem. Welcome your arrival.

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